Mercury Living Presence (Boxset) (50CD+1 Bonus CD)
专辑名称:Mercury Living Presence The Collector‘s Edition (50CD+1 Bonus CD BoxSet)
套装编码:00289 480 5233
出版公司:Universal Muisic Limited
Mercury水星唱片驚天動地頂級發燒劃時代天碟之皇:50CD套裝《Mercury Living Presence》,該套為紀念水星唱片60周年而特別推出的50CD發燒名盤珍藏套裝,以超低價限量發行,發燒天碟,歷史軌跡,最佳錄音見證,傳世經典名盤一次過擁有!
Living Presence係列最大的成就,在於三只麥克風三軌錄音、採用35mm影片底片進行母帶錄音等等。尤其是三支麥克風擺在樂團正面,訊息直接匯入錄音機的做法,更是考驗著錄音師對於麥克風擺位的技術,也成為Living Presence係列最大的賣點。不過由於當時的LP係統只能重現兩聲道訊息,所以在刻片時也只能將這三聲道訊息混入兩聲道中進行刻制。
該套Box set《Mercury Living Presence》包括50張古典音樂頂級經典錄音CD,及一張水星錄音工程師Wilma Cozart Fine的訪問解說錄制Mercury過程之秘史 Bonus CD,內附詳盡水星錄音之歷程;圖文並茂;中.英對照精美天書。
在这套CD里面有中英文的小册子,很详细地说明了这批录音为什么这么伟大,有何特别之处,50+1的特附CD中还有一段当年这个系列的监制Wilmar Conzart的采访录音,她在里面很详细地解读了Mercury的Living Presnece的录音细节。
对于发烧友而言,Mercury代表着高传真录音,而Living Presence更是长期以来受到高度重视的唱片系列。当年的Mercury并非大公司,但是他们几乎是以一己之力改写了古典音乐录音史的进程。当年很多大唱片公司已经是研制了立体声的录音技术,但是因为商业原因,他们一直推延立体声录音技术的使用。
“Living Presence”这个标志在绝大多数Mercury的唱片封面上方都可以见到。关于它的来历,当年Mercury的唱片监制人Wilma Cozar曾经提起过——1951年,Mercury发行自己独立的第一张古典音乐唱片,是由库贝利克指挥芝加哥交响乐团录制,曲目是莫索尔斯基的《图画展览会》,(之前它主要独立制作流行音乐录音,已及从欧洲购买古典音乐版权后再制作发行),因为录音效果优异,《纽约时报》就用“LivingPresence”来赞美它的录音水平,形容重播这张唱片寸就觉得自己好像和乐团在一起,意译力中文大约就是“亲历现场”,Wilma Cozar非常喜欢这个形容,于是就用在唱片封套上,以期向大家说明Mercury的唱片的高保真效果。从这张单声道唱片开始,Mercury只用了几年时间就建立了良好的声誉和口碑,得到市场的广泛认同。到1954年,Mercury~以一张使用真炮录音的《1812》震惊世人。当时这张唱片卖得非常红火,很快就达到“金唱片”的销量。当时电台非常喜欢播放Mercury公司的唱片,因为DJ和普罗听众都觉得电台在播放Mercury的唱片寸音响效果特别好,甚至有主流的唱片评论把Mercury的祈录音视力高保真音乐重播的新纪元来临。到立体声时代,Mercury已被公众认为是高素质的唱片品牌了。作为一间小型唱片公司,它是如何录制出这些高质素的唱片?Mercury的很多LP唱片都会在背面对所使用录音技术或者器材作一些介绍,而当90年代Philip再版Mercury Living Presence的CD时,当年的监制Wilma Cozart更是现身说法地介绍了很多Mercury公司当年录音时的情况,我们这里先重温一下Mercury公司录音的技术流程,这样我们或许可以更容易领会到Mercury Living Presence的独特而传奇的魅力。
【CD 1】穆索斯基:展覽會之畫 (庫伯力克)
【CD 2】史麥塔納:我的祖國 (庫伯力克)
【CD 3】高傳真錄音節慶 (韓森)
【CD 4】高大宜、巴爾托克:管弦樂作品輯 (杜拉第)
【CD 5】巴爾托克:第二號小提琴協奏曲、組曲 (曼紐因)
【CD 6】西班牙管弦樂作品輯 (芬聶爾)
【CD 7】普羅高菲夫:三個橘子之愛 (杜拉第)
【CD 8】韓森演奏韓森作品輯 (韓森)
【CD 9】柴可夫斯基:1812序曲輯 (韓森)
【CD 10】德佛札克:斯拉夫舞曲輯 (杜拉第)
【CD 11】葛洛非:大峽谷組曲、密西西比組曲 (韓森)
【CD 12】英美管樂經典作品選 (芬聶爾)
【CD 13】史特拉汶斯基:彼得洛希卡與春之祭 (杜拉第)
【CD 14】蘇佩與奧伯序曲輯 (帕瑞)
【CD 15】白遼士:幻想交響曲與序曲輯 (帕瑞)
【CD 16】蘇沙:24首著名進行曲 (芬聶爾)
【CD 17】艾聶斯柯:羅馬尼亞狂想曲1與李斯特:匈牙利狂想曲 (杜拉第)
【CD 18】哈察都量:芭蕾音樂與蕭士塔高維契:第5號交響曲 (杜拉第)
【CD 19】艾聶斯柯:羅馬尼亞狂想曲2與布拉姆斯匈牙利舞曲輯 (杜拉第)
【CD 20-21】南北戰爭 (芬聶爾)
【CD 22】拉赫曼尼諾夫:第2,3號鋼琴協奏曲 (詹尼斯)
【CD 23】柯普蘭:阿帕拉契之春、比利小子 (杜拉第)
【CD 24】穆索斯基:展覽會之畫 (詹尼斯)
【CD 25】普羅高菲夫:羅密歐與朱麗葉組曲1,2 (史克洛瓦齊夫斯基)
【CD 26】舒曼與柴可夫斯基:鋼琴協奏曲輯 (詹尼斯)
【CD 27】佛朗明哥吉他演奏輯 (貝貝羅梅洛)
【CD 28】吉他音樂皇族 (羅梅洛家族)
【CD 29】進行曲時刻 (芬聶爾)
【CD 30】蘇聯三角琴經典作品選 (歐希波夫國立俄羅斯民間樂團)
【CD 31】李斯特:第1,2號鋼琴協奏曲輯與安可曲輯 (詹尼斯)
【CD 32】普羅高菲夫、拉赫曼尼諾夫:鋼琴協奏曲輯 (詹尼斯)
【CD 33】德佛札克:大提琴協奏曲 (史塔克)
【CD 34】舒曼、拉羅與聖賞:大提琴協奏曲 (史塔克)
【CD 35-36】柴可夫斯基:胡桃鉗組曲 (杜拉第)
【CD 37】布拉姆斯、哈察都量:小提琴協奏曲輯 (謝霖)
【CD 38】巴爾托克:藍胡子城堡、貝爾格:沃採克 (杜拉第)
【CD 39】布拉姆斯:第2號鋼琴協奏曲與鋼琴獨奏作品 (巴效爾)
【CD 40】克賴斯勒與小提琴珠玉名曲輯 (謝霖)
【CD 41-42】巴哈:大提琴無伴奏組曲輯 (史塔克)
【CD 43】貝多芬:第4,5號鋼琴協奏曲 (巴效爾)
【CD 44】肖邦::第1,2號鋼琴協奏曲 (巴效爾)
【CD 45】拉威爾、德布西與使史特拉汶斯基鋼琴作品輯 (巴效爾)
【CD 46】布拉姆斯、門德爾頌:大提琴奏鳴曲 (史塔克)
【CD 47】舒曼、門德爾頌:小提琴協奏曲 (謝霖)
【CD 48】史特拉汶斯基:火鳥 (杜拉第)
【CD 49】意大利大提琴奏鳴曲輯 (史塔克)
【CD 50】羅德利果、韋瓦第吉他作品輯 (羅梅洛家族)
chinese Track List:
名称:Moussrgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition;Bartok:Music for Strings,Percussion and Celesta
(库贝里克指挥芝加哥交响乐团 莫索尔斯基:图画展)
编号:434 378-2
乐团:Chicago Symphony Orchestra
名称:Smetana:My Country,Symphonic Cycle(库贝里克指挥芝加哥交响乐团 斯美塔那:我的祖国)
编号:434 379-2
乐团:Chicago Symphony Orchestra
名称:Fiesta in HI-FI(汉森 HI-FI嘉年华)
编号:434 324-2
指挥:Howard Hanson
乐团:Eastman-Rochester Orchestra & Chorus
名称:Kodaly:Hary Janos Suite; Bartok:Hungarian Sketches and Roumanian Dances;Kodaly : Dances of Galanta\Marosszek Dances
编号:432 005-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra ; Philharmonia Hungarica Orchestra(现名:Minnesota Orchestra)
名称:Bartok: Violin Concerto No.2; Second Suite(多拉蒂指挥巴托克小提琴协奏曲)
编号:434 350-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
小提琴:Yehudi Menuhin
名称:HI-FI A LA Espanola and Popovers(芬奈尔 Hi-Fi西班牙)
编号:434 349-2
指挥:Frederick Fennell
乐团:Eastman-Rochester Pops Orchestra
名称:Prokofiev:Scythian Suite,Suite from "The Love for Three Oranges",Symphony No.5
(多拉蒂指挥 普罗科菲耶夫:三个橙子的爱情组曲等)
编号:432 753-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
名称:The Composer and his Orchestra(汉森 作曲家和他的乐队)
编号:434 371-2
指挥:Howard Hanson
乐团:Eastman-Rochester Orchestra
名称:Tchaikovsky:1812 Festival Overture,Capriccio Italien ; Beethoven : Wellington's Victory
(多拉蒂指挥 柴可夫斯基1812序曲)
编号:434 360-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra(Now renamed Minnesota Orchestra)
名称:Dvorak : Slavonic Dances Op.46 and Op.72(多拉蒂指挥 德沃夏克 斯拉夫舞曲)
编号:434 384-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra(Now renamed Minnesota Orchestra)
名称:Ferde Grofe : Grand Canyon Suite,Mississippi Suite(汉森指挥 格罗菲 大峡谷组曲等)
编号:434 355-2
指挥:Howard Hanson
乐团:Eastman-Rochester Orchestra
名称:British and American Band Classics(芬奈尔指挥 沃尔顿、霍尔斯特等英美作曲家的作品)
编号:432 009-2
指挥:Frederick Fennell
乐团:Eastman Wind Ensemble
名称:Stravinsky : Petrouchka(Complete)(多拉第指挥 史特拉汶斯基 春之祭等)
编号:434 331-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,London Symphony Orchestra
名称:Overtures By Suppe and Auber(帕雷指挥底特津交响乐团 苏佩 奥伯 序曲集)
编号:434 309-2
指挥:Paul Paray
乐团:Detroit Symphony Orchestra
名称:Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique & Hungarian March(帕雷指挥底特津交响乐团 伯辽滋 幻想交响曲 匈牙利进行曲等)
编号:434 328-2
指挥:Paul Paray
乐团:Detroit Symphony Orchestra
名称:Fennell Conducts Sousa 24 Favorite Marches(芬奈尔指挥 苏萨 24首最受欢迎的进行曲)
编号:434 300-2
指挥:Frederick Fennell
乐团:Eastman Wind Ensemble
名称:Enesco : Roumanian Rhapsody No.1 & Liszt : Hungarian Rhapsodies Nos.1-6(多拉第指挥伦敦交响乐团 李斯特 匈牙利狂想曲等)
编号:432 015-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
名称:Khachaturian : Gayne Ballet Music & Shostakovich : Symphony No.5(斯克洛瓦切夫斯基等指挥 肖斯塔科维奇 第五交响曲等)
编号:434 323-2
指挥:Antal Dorati ; Stanislaw Skrowaczewski
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra; Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
名称:Enesco : Roumanian Rhapsody No.2 & Brahms : Hungarian Dances(多拉第指挥伦敦交响乐团 勃拉姆斯 16首匈牙利舞曲 海顿主题变奏曲等)
编号:434 326-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
名称:The Civil War : Its Music and its Sounds : Part 1(芬尼尔指挥伊斯特曼管弦乐团 南北战争音乐第一部)
编号:432 592-2 ADD
指挥:Frederick Fennell
乐团:Eastman Wind Ensemble
名称:The Civil War : Its Music and its Sounds : Part 2(芬尼尔指挥伊斯特曼管弦乐团 南北战争音乐第二部)
编号:432 593-2 ADD
指挥:Frederick Fennell
乐团:Eastman Wind Ensemble
名称:Rachmaninoff : Piano Concerto No. 2 & 3(拉赫曼尼诺夫:钢协2、3)
编号:432 759-2
钢琴:Byron Janis
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,London Symphony Orchestra
名称:Aaron Copland : Appalachian Spring, Billy the Kid
编号:434 301-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
名称:Moussorgsky : Pictures at an Exhibition(钢琴版及乐队版)
编号:434 346-2
钢琴:Byron Janis
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
名称:Prokofiev : Romeo and Juliet; Moussorgsky : A Night on Bald Nountain(罗密欧与朱丽叶组曲,荒山之夜)
编码:432 004-2
指挥:Stanislsw Skrowaczewski ; Antal Dorati
乐团:Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,London Symphony Orchestra
名称:Byron Janis : Schumann Piano Concerto & Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1(坚尼斯:舒曼、老柴钢协)
编号:432 011-2
指挥:Stanislaw Skrowaczewski; Herbert Menges
乐团:Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,London Symphony Orchestra
钢琴:Byron Janis
名称:Pepe Romero : Flamenco!(罗梅罗:弗拉门戈)
编码:434 361-2
吉他:Pepe Romero
名称:The Romeros(The Royal Family of the Spanish Guitar) (罗梅罗兄弟)
编号:434 385-2
吉他:Celedonio, Celin, Pepe and Angel Romero
名称:Screamers(Circus Marchs) : March Time
编号:432 019-2
指挥:Frederick Fennell
乐团:Eastman Wind Ensemble
名称:Balalaika Favorites(俄式三角琴)
编码:432 000-2
指挥:Vitaly Gnutov
乐团:Osipov State Russian Orchestra
录音方式:产体声(35mm胶片, ADD)
名称:Byron Janis : Liszt Piano Concerto No. 1 & 2(坚尼斯-李斯特钢协1、2)
编码:432 002-2
指挥:Kyril Kondrashin ; Gennadi Rozhdestvensky
乐团:Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra
钢琴:Byron Janis
录音方式:立体声(35mm胶片, ADD)
名称:Prokofiev :Piano Concerto No. 3 & Rachmaninoff : Piano Concerto No. 1
编码:434 333-2
指挥:Kyril Kondrashin
乐团:Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra
钢琴:Byron Janis
名称:Janos Starker : Dvorak Cello Concerto(斯塔克:德沃夏克大协)
编码:432 001-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
大提琴:Janos Starker
录音方式:立体声(35mm胶片, ADD)
名称:Janos Starker : Schumann,Lalo,Saint-Saens Cello Concertos(苏曼、拉罗、圣桑大协)
编码:432 0102
指挥:Antal Dorati ; Stanislaw Skrowaczewski
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
大提琴:Janos Starker
名称:Tchaikovsky : The Nutcracker Part 1 (老柴:胡桃夹子上部)
编码:432 751-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra,Philharmonia Hungarica
名称:Tchaikovsky : The Nutcracker Part 1 (老柴:胡桃夹子下集)
编码:432 752-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra,Philharmonia Hungarica
名称:Szeryng : Brahms & Khachaturian Violin Concerto (谢霖:勃拉姆斯小协)
编码:434 318-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
小提琴:Henryk Szeryng(谢霖)
名称:Bartok : Bluebeard's Castle
编码:434 325-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
名称:Gina Bachauer : Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2 (勃拉姆斯第二钢协)
编码:434 340-2
指挥:Stanislaw Skrowaczewski
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
钢琴:Gina Bachauer
名称:Szeryng Plays Kreisler and Other Treasures for the Violin
编码:434 351-2
小提琴:Henryk Szeryng(谢霖),钢琴:Charles Reiner
名称:Bach : Suites for Solo Sello(巴赫:大提琴独奏组曲第一部)
编码:432 757-2
大提琴:Janos Starker
名称:Bach : Suites for Solo Sello(巴赫:大提琴独奏组曲第二部)
编码:432 758-2
大提琴:Janos Starker
名称:Beethoven : Piano Concerto 4 & 5 (贝多芬第四、五钢协)
编码:432 018-2
指挥:Stanislaw Skrowaczewski
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
钢琴:Gina Bachauer
名称:Chopin : Piano Concertos 1 & 2 (肖邦:第一、二钢协)
编码:434 374-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
钢琴:Gina Bachauer
名称:BACHAUER : DORATI Ravel;Debussy;Stravinsky
编码:434 359-2
钢琴:Gina Bachauer
朗诵:Sir John Gielgud
名称:Starker : Brahms & Mendelssohn Cello Sonatas(斯塔克演奏勃拉姆斯、门德尔松大提琴奏鸣曲)
编码:434 377-2
大提琴:Janos Starker
钢琴:Gyorgy Sebok
名称:Henryk Seryng : Schumann & Mendelssohn Concertos(谢霖演奏舒曼、门德尔松小协)
编码:434 339-2
小提琴:Henryk Seryng
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
名称:Stravinsky : The Firebird(Complete Ballet) (史特拉汶斯基:火鸟组曲)
编码:432 012-2
指挥:Antal Dorati
乐团:London Symphony Orchestra
名称:Janos Starker Plays Italian Cello Sonatas(斯塔克演奏意大利大提琴奏鸣曲)
编码:434 344-2
大提琴:Janos Starker
钢琴:Stephen Swedish; Gyorgy Sebok
名称:The Romeros : Rodrigo.Vivaldi Guitar Concertos(罗梅罗演奏罗德里戈、维瓦尔地吉他协奏曲)
编码:434 369-2
指挥:Victor Alessandro
乐团:San Antonio Symphony Orchestra
Bonus CD:访谈Wilma Cozart Fine(MERCURY当年的副总裁,同时是主录音师Robert Fine的妻子)
01 Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition1 : Promenade
02 Pictures at an Exhibition2 : Gnomus
03 Pictures at an Exhibition3 : Promenade
05 Pictures at an Exhibition5 : Promenade
06 Pictures at an Exhibition6 : Tuileries
07 Pictures at an Exhibition7 : Bydlo
08 Pictures at an Exhibition8 : Promenade
09 Pictures at an Exhibition9 : Ballet des Poussins dans Leurs Coques
10 Pictures at an Exhibition10 : Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
11 Pictures at an Exhibition11 : Limoges - Le Marche
12 Pictures at an Exhibition12 : Catacombae
13 Pictures at an Exhibition13 : Cum Mortis in Lingua Mortua
14 Pictures at an Exhibition14 : La Cabane sur des Pattes de Poule
15 Pictures at an Exhibition15 : La Grande Porte de Kiev
16 Bartok - Music for Strings, Perc., and Celeste : Andante tranquillo
17 Music for Strings, Perc., and Celeste : Allegro
18 Music for Strings, Perc., and Celeste : Adagio
19 Music for Strings, Perc., and Celeste : Allegro molto
CD02: Smetana:My Country,Symphonic Cycle
01 Vysehrad (The High Castle)
02 Vltava (The Moldau)
03 Saraka
04 Z ceskych luhu a haju (from Bohemia's Meadows and Forests)
05 Tabor
06 Blanik
01 Fiesta in Hi-Fi:Robert McBride - Mexican Rhapsody
02 Fiesta in Hi-Fi:Ron Nelson - Savannah River Holiday
03 Lyndol Mitchell - Kentucky Mountain Portraits - Cindy
04 Lyndol Mitchell - Kentucky Mountain Portraits - Ballad
05 Lyndol Mitchell - Kentucky Mountain Portraits - Shivaree
06 Charles G. Vardell, Jr - Joe Clark Steps Out
07 William Grant Still - Sahdji (Ballet) Part 1
08 William Grant Still - Sahdji (Ballet) Part 2
09 Alberto Ginastera - Overture to the Creole "Faust"
01 Hary Janos Suite - 1. Prelude. The Fairy Tale Begins
02 2. Viennese Musical Clock
03 3. Song
04 4. The Battle and Defeat of Napoleon
05 5. Intermezzo
06 6. Entrance of the Emperor and His Court
07 Hungarian Sketches
08 Roumanian Folk Dances
09 Marosszek Dances
10 Dances of Galanta
01 Violin concerto No. 2 - I. Allegro non troppo
02 Violin concerto No. 2 - II. Andante tranquillo
03 Violin concerto No. 2 - III. Allegro molto
04 Second suite - I. Comodo
05 Second suite - II. Allegro scherzando
06 Second suite - III. Andante
07 Second suite - IV. Comodo (2)
01 Brazilian Sleigh Bells
02 Andalucia
03 Malaguena
04 Intermezzo (from 'Goyescas')
05 Jamaican Rumba
06 Batuque
07 Amparito Roca
08 Ritual Fire Dance (from 'El Amor Brujo')
09 The Bullfighter's Prayer
10 Brazilian Dance
11 Hora Staccato
12 Liebestraum
13 Love's Dream After the Ball
14 Finlandia
15 Clair de Lune
16 Polka (from 'The Golden Age')
01 Scythian Suite Op. 20 - Invocation to Veles and Ala
02 Scythian Suite Op. 20 - The Evil God and Dance of the Pagon Monsters
03 Scythian Suite Op. 20 - Night
04 Scythian Suite Op. 20 - Lolli's Pursuit of the Evil God, and Sunrise
05 Suite from The Love for Three Oranges Op. 33a - Les Ridicules
06 Suite from The Love for Three Oranges Op. 33a - Scene infernale
07 Suite from The Love for Three Oranges Op. 33a - Marche
08 Suite from The Love for Three Oranges Op. 33a - Schezo
09 Suite from The Love for Three Oranges Op. 33a - Le Prince et la Princesse
10 Suite from The Love for Three Oranges Op. 33a - La Fuite
11 Symphony No.5 Op. 100 - Andante
12 Symphony No.5 Op. 100 - Allegro Marcato"
13 Symphony No.5 Op. 100 - Adagio
14 Symphony No.5 Op. 100 - Allegro Giocoso
01 Merry Mount Suite: Overture
02 Merry Mount Suite: Children's Dance
03 Merry Mount Suite: Love Duet
04 Merry Mount Suite: Prelude to Act II and Maypole Dances
05 Mosaics
06 For the First Time: 1. Bells
07 For the First Time: 2. TAmara and Peter Bolshoi
08 For the First Time: 3. Deserted House
09 For the First Time: 4. Eccentric Clock
10 For the First Time: 5. Deep Forest
11 For the First Time: 6. Clowns
12 For the First Time: 7. Dance
13 For the First Time: 8. Serious Conversations
14 For the First Time: 9. Kikimora
15 For the First Time: 10. Mist
16 For the First Time: 11. Fireworks
17 For the First Time: 12. Dreams
18 Concerto for Piano & Orch.: 1. Lento molto / molto tranquillo
19 Concerto for Piano & Orch.: 2. Allegro molto ritmico
20 Concerto for Piano & Orch.: 3. Andante molto expressivo
21 Hanson: Concerto for Piano & Orch.: 4. Allegro giocoso
01 Tchaikovsky : 1812 Festival Overture, Op. 49
02 Commentary to the 1812 Overture / sound effects, bells (Deems Taylor)
03 Tchaikovsky : Capriccio Italien, Op. 45
04 Beethoven : Wellington's Victory, Op. 91, 1. Battle
05 Beethoven : Wellington's Victory, Op. 91, 2. Victory Symphony
06 Commentary to Wellington's Victory / sound effects (Deems Taylor)"
01 No. 1 in C Major
02 No. 2 in E Minor
03 No. 3 in A-flat Major
04 No. 4 in F Major
05 No. 5 in A Major
06 No. 6 in D Minor
07 No. 7 in C Minor
08 No. 8 in G Minor
09 No 1 in B Major
10 No. 2 in E Minor
11 No. 3 in F Major
12 No. 4 in D-flat Major
13 No. 5 in B-flat Minor
14 No. 6 in B-flat Major
15 No. 7 in C Major
16 No. 8 in A-flat Major
01 Grand Canyon Suite - Sunrise
02 Grand Canyon Suite - The Painted Desert
03 Grand Canyon Suite - On the Trail
04 Grand Canyon Suite - Sunset
05 Grand Canyon Suite - Cloudburst
06 Mississippi Suite - Father of Waters
07 Mississippi Suite - Huckleberry Finn
08 Mississippi Suite - Old Creole Days
09 Mississippi Suite - Mardi Gras
10 Victor Herbert - Concerto N?2 in E Minor for Cello and Orchestra Op. 30 - Al...
11 Victor Herbert - Concerto N?2 in E Minor for Cello and Orchestra Op. 30 - Le...
12 Victor Herbert - Concerto N?2 in E Minor for Cello and Orchestra Op. 30 - Al...
01 Jacob - Suite William Byrd - The Earle of Oxford's Marche
02 Jacob - Suite William Byrd -Pavana
03 Jacob - Suite William Byrd -Jhon Come Kisse Me Now
04 Jacob - Suite William Byrd -The Mayden's Song
05 Jacob - Suite William Byrd -Wolsey's Wilde
06 Jacob - Suite William Byrd -The Bells
07 Walton - Crown Imperial - A Coronation March
08 Holst - Hammersmith - Prelude and Scherzo Op. 52
09 Bennett - Symphonic Songs for Band - Serenade
10 Bennett - Symphonic Songs for Band - Spiritual
11 Bennett - Symphonic Songs for Band - Celebration
12 Williams - Fanfare and Allegro
01 Petrouchka Scene I - The Shrovetide Fair
02 Petrouchka Scene II - Petrouchka's Room
03 Petrouchka Scene III - The Moor's Room
04 Petrouchka Scene IV - The Chrovetide Fair (Toward Evening)
05 Le Sacre du Printemps Part I - The Adoration of the Earth
06 Le Sacre du Printemps Part II - The Sacrifice
07 Four Etudes for Orchestra - Danse
08 Four Etudes for Orchestra - Excentrique
09 Four Etudes for Orchestra - Cantique
10 Four Etudes for Orchestra - Madrid
01 The Beautiful Galatea
02 Pique Dame
03 Leichte Kavallerie
04 Dichter und Bauer
05 Ein Morgen, ein Mittag, ein Abend in Wien
06 Boccaccio
07 Auber, Le Cheval de Bronze
08 Auber, Fra Diavolo
09 Auber, Masaniello
01 Reveries and Passions
02 A Ball
03 Scene in the Country
04 March to the Scaffold
05 Dream of a Witches'Sabbath
06 Hungarian March
07 Trojan March
08 The Corsair,Overture
09 The Roman Carnival,Overture
01 Sound Off
02 Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
03 Sabre and Spurs
04 The Picadore
05 Our Flirtation
06 The High School Cadets
07 The Invincible Eagle
08 Bullets and Bayonets
09 The LIberty Bell
10 Riders for the Flag
11 Solid Men to the Front
12 The Gallant Seventh
13 The Rifle Regiment
14 The Pride of the Wolverines
15 Golden Jubilee
16 The Gridiron Club
17 New Mexico
18 Sesqui-Centennial Exposition
19 The Black Horse Troop
20 The Kansas Wildcats
21 Manhattan Beach
22 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company
23 The National Game
24 The Glory of the Yankee Navy
01 Enesco, Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1 op. 11
02 Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 1 f-Minor
03 Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 2 d-Minor
04 Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 3 D-Major
05 Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 4 d-Minor
06 Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 5 e-Minor ('Heroide Eleqiaque')
07 Hungarian Rhapsodies No. 6 D-Major ('Carnival in Pesth')
01 Khachaturian - Gayne Ballet Music - Sabre Dance
02 Khachaturian - Gayne Ballet Music - Ayesha's Dance
03 Khachaturian - Gayne Ballet Music - Dance of the Rose Maidens
04 Khachaturian - Gayne Ballet Music - Dance of the Kurds
05 Khachaturian - Gayne Ballet Music - Lullaby
06 Khachaturian - Gayne Ballet Music - Dance of the Young Kurds"
07 Khachaturian - Gayne Ballet Music - Armen's Variation
08 Khachaturian - Gayne Ballet Music - Lezghinka
09 Skrowaczewski - Shostakovich - Symphony N?5 in D Minor Op. 47 - Moderato
10 Skrowaczewski - Shostakovich - Symphony N?5 in D Minor Op. 47 - Allegretto
11 Skrowaczewski - Shostakovich - Symphony N?5 in D Minor Op. 47 - Largo
12 Skrowaczewski - Shostakovich - Symphony N?5 in D Minor Op. 47 - Allegro non ...
01 Enesco - Roumanian Rhapsody No. 2 in D Major Op. 11
02 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 5 in G Minor
03 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 6 in D Major
04 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 7 in A Major
05 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 21 in E Minor
06 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 11 in D Minor
07 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 2 in D Minor
08 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 1 in G Minor
09 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 10 in F Major
10 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 3 in F Major
11 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 18 in D Major
12 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 17 in F-sharp Minor
13 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 19 in B Minor
14 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 20 in E Minor
15 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 12 in D Minor
16 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 15 in B-Flat Major
17 Brahms - Hungarian Dances No. 4 in F-Sharp Minor
18 Brahms - Variation 1 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
19 Brahms - Variation 2 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
20 Brahms - Variation 3 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
21 Brahms - Variation 4 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
22 Brahms - Variation 5 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
23 Brahms - Variation 6 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
24 Brahms - Variation 7 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
25 Brahms - Variation 8 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
26 Brahms - Variation 9 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
27 Brahms - Variation 10 on a Theme of Haydn Op. 56a
01 Band music of Union troops 1-9 Hail to the Chief
02 Listen to the Mockingbird
03 Palmyra Schottische
04 Hail Columbia
05 Freischutz Quickstep
06 Parade
07 Port Royal Galop
08 Nightingale Waltz
09 La Marseillaise
10 Band music of Confederate troops 10-18 Dixie & Bonnie Blue Flag
11 Cheer Boys Cheer
12 Luto Quickstep
13 Old North State
14 Easter Galop
15 Come, Dearest, the Daylight is Done
16 Maryland, My Maryland
17 Waltz No. 19
18 Old Hundreth
19 Calls for fife and drums 19-27 - The Girl I Left Behind
20 The Recruiting Sergeant
21 Jefferson and Liberty
22 Old 1812
23 Carry Me Back
24 Liverpool Hornpipe
25 Newport
26 Garry Owen
27 Cavalry Bugle Signals
28 The sounds of the conflict : Fort Sumner to Gettysburg
01 Gettysburg to Appomattox - Narration
02 Band music of Union troops 2-10/Twinkling Stars Quickstep
03 O Kentucky, Kentucky
04 Come where My Love Lies Dreaming
05 Un Ballo in Maschera Quickstep
06 St. Patrick's Day in the Morning
07 Grafulla's Quickstep
08 Gary Owen
09 Cavalry Quickstep
10 Storm Galop
11 Band music of Confederate troops 11-15/26th Regiment Quickstep
12 Lulu's Gone
13 Tramp, Tramp
14 Juanita
15 Carry Me Back (to Old Virginny's Shore)
16 Bugle Signals for the Service of Skirmishers
17 Drum Calls
18 Camp and field duty calls for fifes and drums
19 The Appomattox Bugle, played by Boyde Hood
20 We Are Coming, Father Abra'am
21 Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground
22 Goober Peas
23 Tramp. Tramp, Tramp
24 When Johnny Comes Marching Home
25 The Battle Hymn of the Republic
26 Firearms of the Civil War
27 The Sounds of Conflict: Gettysburg to Appomattox
01 Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30: I. Allegro ma non troppo
02 Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30: II. Intermezzo: Adagio
03 Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30: III. Finale: Alla breve
04 Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18: I. Moderato
05 Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18: II. Adagio sostenuto
06 Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18: III. Allegro scherzando
07 Rachmaninov: Prelude in E-flat major, Op.23/6
08 Rachmaninov: Prelude in C-sharp minor, Op.3/2
01 Appalachian Spring - Very Slowly
02 Appalachian Spring - Allegro
03 Appalachian Spring - Moderato - The Bride and Her Intended
04 Appalachian Spring - Fast - The Revivalist and His Flock
05 Appalachian Spring - Allegro - Solo Dance of the Bride
06 Appalachian Spring - Meno Mosso
07 Appalachian Spring - Doppio Movimento - Simple Gifts Variations
08 Appalachian Spring - Moderato Coda
09 Billy the Kid - Introduction
10 Billy the Kid - Street in a Frontier Town
11 Billy the Kid - Billy the Kid - Mexican Dance and Finale
12 Billy the Kid - Billy the Kid - Prairie Night
13 Billy the Kid - Billy the Kid - Gun Battle
14 Billy the Kid - Billy the Kid - Celebration
15 Billy the Kid - Billy the Kid - Waltz
16 Billy the Kid - Billy the Kid - Billy's Death
17 Billy the Kid - Billy the Kid - The Open Prairie Again
18 Danzon Cubano
19 El Salon Mexico
01 Pictures At An Exhibition (For The Piano) - 1. Promenade
02 Gnomus
03 Promenade
04 Il Vecchio Castello
05 Promenade
06 Tuileries
07 Bydlo
08 Promenade
09 Ballet Of The Chicks in Their Shells
10 Two Polish Jews,One Polish Jews
11 Limoges, The Market Place
12 Catacombae (Sepulcrun Romanum)
13 Cum Mortuis In Lingua Mortua
14 The Hut On Fowl's Legs(Baba-Yaga)
15 The Great Gate of Kiev
16 Chopin Etude In F Major
17 hopin Waltz In A Minor
18 Promenade
19 Gnomus
20 Promenade
21 Il Vecchio Castello
22 Promenade
23 Tuileries
24 Bydlo
25 Promenade
26 Ballet des Poussins dans Leurs Coques
27 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
28 Limoges-Le Marche
29 Catacombae(Sepulcrum Romanum)
30 Cum Mortuis in Lingua Mortua
31 La Cabane
32 La Grande Porte de Kiev
01 Romeo and Juliet - Suite No 1 - Folk Dance
02 Scene
03 Madrigal
04 Minuet
05 Masks
06 Romeo and Juliet
07 Death of Tybalt
08 The Montagues and the Capulets
09 Juliet-The Little Girl
10 Dance
11 Romeo and Juliet Before Parting
12 Dance of the Antilles Maidens
13 Romeo at Juliet's Tomb
14 A Night on Bald Mountain
01 Schumann Piano Concerto in Am, Op.54-I. Allegro affettuoso
02 Schumann Piano Concerto in Am, Op.54-II. Intermezzo. Andantino grazioso
03 Schumann Piano Concerto in Am, Op.54-III. Allegro vivace
04 Schumann Arabeske in C major, Op.18
05 Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat Op.23-I. Allegro non troppo e moltlto
06 Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat Op.23-II. Andante semplice
07 Tchaikovsky~Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat Op.23-III. Allegro con fuoco
01 Fiesta En Jerez
02 Fandangos Por Verdiales
03 Garrotin
04 Tanguillos
05 Peteneras
06 Jota
07 Carabana Gitana
08 Farruca Y Rumba
09 Lamento Andaluz
10 Zorongo
11 Enrique Granados - Spanish Dance N. 6
12 Francisco Eixea Tarrega - Recuerdos De La Alhambra
13 Antonio Sinopoli - Vidalita
01 Sevillanas
02 Intermezo from Goyescas (Granados)
03 Llamada (Torroba)
04 Sevilla fromo Suite Espanola (Albeniz)
05 Obligato on Etude in B Minor (Sor)
06 Noche en Malaga (Celedonio Romero)
07 Lagrima (Preludio) (Tarrega)
08 Romantic Prelude (Celedonio Romero)
09 Allegretto from Sonatina in A Major (Torroba)
10 Prelude No. 3 in A Minor (Villa-Lobos)
11 Suite in D Minor (Visee)
12 Cuatro diferencias sobre: guardame las vacas (Narvaez)
13 Suite of Six Dances (Galilei)
14 Three Pavanas (Milan)
15 Minuet (Bach)
16 Bourree (Bach)
17 Gavottes I and II (Bach)
18 King of Denmark's Galliard (Dowland)
19 Gavotte en rondeau (Rameau)
20 Espanoleta (Sanz)
01 In Storm and Sunshine
02 Whip and Spur
03 Invictus
04 The Big Cage
05 Bones Trombone
06 Them Basses
07 The Circus Bee
08 The Screamer
09 Thunder and Blazes
10 Robinson's Grand Entree
11 Circus Days
12 Bombasto
13 The Squealer
14 Rolling Thunder
15 Bennett's Triumphal
16 Bravura
17 Bugles and Drum
18 Illinois March
19 Edwin Franko Goldman / Children's March
20 Edwin Franko Goldman / The Interlochen Bowl
21 Edwin Franko Goldman / Onward-Upward
22 Edwin Franko Goldman / Boy Scouts of America
23 Americans We
24 Officer of the Day
25 March 'Grandioso'
26 Second Regiment, Connecticut National Guard March
27 The Mad Major
28 Guadalcanal March from 'Victory at Sea'
01 Fantasy on Two Songs (Budashkin)
02 At Sunrise (arr Gorodovskaya)
03 The Linden Tree (Kulikov)
04 Kamarinskaya (Osipov)
05 Fantasy on Volga Melodies (Mikhailov-Shalayav)
06 In the Moonlight (Andreyev)
07 Midnight in Moscow (Soloviev-Sedoy)
08 Under the Apple Tree (Andreyev)
09 Dance of the Comedians (Tchaikovsky)
10 The Living Room (Shishakov)
11 Evening Bells (arr Mossolov)
12 My Dear Friend, Please Visit Me (arr Poponov)
13 Waltz of the Faun (Andreyev)
14 Flight of the Bumble-Bee (Rimsky-Korsakov)
01 Liszt - Piano Concerto No 1 in E flat - I. Allegro Maestoso
02 Piano Concerto No 1 in E flat - II. Quasi Adagio - Allegretto Vivace
03 Piano Concerto No 1 in E flat - III. Allegro Marziale Animato
04 Liszt - Piano Concerto No 2 in A - I. Adagio Sostenuto Assai
05 Piano Concerto No 2 in A - II. Allegro Agitato Assai"
06 Piano Concerto No 2 in A - III. Allegro Moderato
07 Piano Concerto No 2 in A - IV. Allegro Deciso
08 Piano Concerto No 2 in A - V. Marziale un Poco meno Allegro
09 Piano Concerto No 2 in A - VI. Allegro Animato"
10 Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No 6"
11 Liszt - Valse Oubliee
12 Schumann - Romance in F Sharp
13 Schumann - Novellette in F
14 Falla - The Miller's Dance
15 Liszt - Sonetto del Petrar[/url]co CIV
16 Guion - The Harmonica Player
01 Prokofiev - Piano Concerto No. 3 C Major op. 26 - Andante - Allegro
02 Tema con Variazione
03 Allegro ma non troppo
04 Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 1 in F-Sharp Minor op. 1 - Vivace
05 Andante
06 Allegro vivace
07 Prokofiev - Toccata
08 Schumann - Variations on a Thema by Clara Wieck
09 Mendelssohn - Songs without Words op. 62 No. 1
10 Pinto - Run, Run
11 March
12 Hobby-Horse
01 Dovorak - Concerto in B Minor Op. 104 - Allegro
02 Adagio ma non Troppo
03 Finale - Allegro Moderato
04 Bruch - Kol Nidrei Op. 47
05 Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op. 33
01 Schumann Cello Concerto in A minor, Op.129 - I. Nicht zu schell
02 II. Langsam
03 III. Sehr lebhaft
04 Edouard Lalo Cello Concerto in D minor - I. PreludeLentoAllegro maestoso
05 II. IntermezzoAndantino con moto...
06 III. IntroductionAndanteAllegro...
07 Camille Saint-Saens Cello Concerto in A minor, Op.33 - I. Allegro non troppo
08 II. Allegretto con moto
09 III. Un peu moins vite
01 Overture
02 Act I Tableau I - Decorating and Lighting the Christmas Tree
03 March
04 Dance Scene - Galop and Dance of the Parents
05 Scene - Presents for the Children
06 Scene and the Grandfather Dance
07 Scene - The Guests Depart - Children Go to Bed - The Magic Spell Begins
08 The Nutcracker Battles the Army of the Mouse King
Is Transtormed into Prince Charming
09 Act I Tableau II - Journey through the Snow
10 Waltz of the Snowflakes
01 Act II - Scene - Arrival in Fairyland
02 - Festival in Honor of the Children and Prince Charming
03 Act II - Character Dances - Chocolate (Spanish Dance)
04 - Coffee (Arabian Dance)
05 - Tea (Chinese Dance)
06 - Russian Dance (Trepak)
07 - Dance of the Toy Flutes
08 - Dance of the Clowns
09 Act II - Waltz of the Flowers
10 Act II - Dances of the Sugar Plum Fairy & Prince Charming - Pas de Deux
11 - Dance of Prince Charming
12 - Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
13 - Coda
14 Act II - Waltz Finale and...
15 Act II - Apotheosis
16 Serenade for Atrings in C Major op. 48 - Andante non troppo - Allegro moderato
17 - Walzer (Moderato - Tempo di Valse)
18 - Elegie (Larghetto elegianco)
19 - Finale (Tema Russo - Andante - Allegro con spirito)
01 Brahms - Violin Concerto in D Major Op. 77 - Allegro non Tropo
02 Brahms - Violin Concerto in D Major Op. 77 - Adagio
03 Brahms - Violin Concerto in D Major Op. 77 - Allegro Giocoso, ma non Troppo Vivace
04 Khachaturian - Violin Concerto - Allegro con Fermezza
05 Khachaturian - Violin Concerto - Andante Sostenuto
06 Khachaturian - Violin Concerto - Allegro Vivace
01 Bartok - Bluebeard's Castle - Opening
02 Bartok - Bluebeard's Castle - Door 1
03 Bartok - Bluebeard's Castle - Door 2
04 Bartok - Bluebeard's Castle - Door 3
05 Bartok - Bluebeard's Castle - Door 4
06 Bartok - Bluebeard's Castle - Door 5
07 Bartok - Bluebeard's Castle - Door 6
08 Bartok - Bluebeard's Castle - Door 7
09 Alban Berg - Wozzeck Act I Scenes 2 and 3
10 Alban Berg - Wozzeck Act III Scene 1
11 Alban Berg - Wozzeck Act III Scenes 4 and 5
01 Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2 Allegro man non troppo
02 Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2 Allegor appassionato
03 Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2 Andante
04 Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2 Allegretto grazioso
05 Variations on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 35
06 Franz Liszt Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12
07 Beethoven Piano Sonata No.9 Allegro
08 Beethoven Piano Sonata No.9 Allegretto
09 Beethoven Piano Sonata No.9 Rondo: Allegro Comodo
01 Fritz Kreisler - Caprice viennois, Op.2
02 Fritz Kreisler - Schon rosmarin
03 Fritz Kreisler - Liebesleid
04 Fritz Kreisler - Liebesfreud
05 Fritz Kreisler - Recitativo and Scherzo-Caprice, Op.6
06 Fritz Kreisler - Tempo di minuetto (in the style of Paganini)
07 Fritz Kreisler - Praeludium and Allegro
08 Fritz Kreisler - Chanson Louis XIII and Pavane
09 Fritz Kreisler - Tambourin chinois
10 Fritz Kreisler - Menuet (in the style of Porpora)
11 Fritz Kreisler - The Old Refrain
12 Fritz Kreisler - Rondino (on a Theme by Beethoven)
13 Fritz Kreisler - Allegretto (In the Style of Boccherini)
14 Jean-Marie Leclair - Sonata for violin & continuo N? in D major Op.9 - I. Un Poco andante
15 Jean-Marie Leclair - Sonata for violin & continuo N? in D major Op.9 - II. Allegro
16 Jean-Marie Leclair - Sonata for violin & continuo N? in D major Op.9 - III. Sarabande(Largo)
17 Jean-Marie Leclair - Sonata for violin & continuo N? in D major Op.9 - IV. Tambourin(Presto)
18 Gluck - Melodie; Dance of the blessed Spirits (Orfeo ed Euridice)
19 Pietro Antonio Locatelli - The Labyrinth (arr. David)
01 Suite No.1 in G major : I. Praeludium"
02 II. Allemande
03 III. Courante
04 IV. Sarabande
05 V. Menuets
06 VI. Gigue
07 Suite No. 2 in D minor : I. Praeludium
08 II. Allemande
09 III. Courante
10 IV. Sarabande
11 V. Menuets
12 VI. Gigue
13 Suite No.3 in C major : I. Praeludium
14 II. Allemande
15 III. Courante
16 IV. Sarabande
17 V. Bourrees
18 VI. Gigue
19 Suite No.4 in E-flat major : I. Praeludium
20 II. Allemande
21 III. Courante
22 IV. Sarabande
23 V. Bourrees
24 VI. Gigue
01 Suite No.5 in C minor : I. Praeludium
02 II. Allemande
03 III. Courante
04 IV. Sarabande
05 V. Gavottes
06 VI. Gigue
07 Suite No.6 in D major : I. Praeludium
08 II. Allemande
09 III. Courante
10 IV. Sarabande
11 V. Gavottes
12 VI. Gigue
13 Sonata in G major for Cello & Piano, BWV 1027 : I. Adagio
14 II. Allegro ma non tanto
15 III. Andante
16 VI. Allegro moderato
17 Sonata in D major for Cello & Piano, BWV 1028 : I. Adagio
18 II. Allegro
19 III. Andante
20 IV. Allegro
01 No.4 in G Major Op. 58 - Allegro Moderato
02 Andante con Moto
03 Rondo - Vivace
04 No.5 in E-Flat Major Op. 53 (Emperor) - Allegro
05 Adagio un poco Mosso
06 Rondo - Allegro
01 Piano Concerto No. 1 Allegro Maestoso
02 Romanze. Larghetto
03 Rondo. Vivace
04 Piano Concerto No. 2 Maestoso
05 Larghetto
06 Allegro Vivace
01 Ondine (poem)
02 Maurice Ravel, Gaspard de la nuit Music
03 Le Gibet (poem)
04 Maurice Ravel, Gaspard de la nuit
05 Scarbo (poem)
06 Maurice Ravel, Gaspard de la nuit
07 Claude Debussy Pour le piano Prelude
08 Claude Debussy Pour le piano Sarabande
09 Claude Debussy Pour le piano Toccata
10 Claude Deubussy La cathedrale engloutie
11 Claude Debussy Bruyeres
12 Claude Debussy Les danseuses de Delphe
13 Igor Stravinsky, Three mouvements from 'Petrouchka' - Russian dance
14 Igor Stravinsky, Three mouvements from 'Petrouchka' - In Petriouchka's Room
15 Igor Stravinsky, Three mouvements from 'Petrouchka' - Shrovetide fair
01 Sonata for cello and piano No. 1 op. 387 in E minor - Allegro non troppo
02 Allegretto quasi enuetto
03 Allegro
04 Sonata for cello and piano No. 2 op. 99 in F major - Allegro vivace
05 Adagio affetuoso
06 Allegro passionato
07 Allegro molto
08 Sonata No. 2 for cello and piano op. 58 in D major - Allegro assai vivace
09 Allegretto scherzando
10 Adagio
11 Molto allegro e vivace
01 Schumann Violin Concerto in D minor - 1. In kraftigem, nicht zu schnellem Tempo
02 2. Langsam
03 3. Lebhaft, doch nicht schnell
04 Mendelssohn Violin Concerto No.1 in E minor - 1. Allegro molto appassionato
05 2. Andante
06 3. Allegretto non troppo-Allegro molto Vivace
07 Bartok Roumanian Folk Dances
08 Debussy La Plus Que Lente
09 Novacek Moto Perpetuo No.4, op.5
10 Brahms Hungarian Dance
11 Jose Sabre Marroquin / Mexican Lullaby
12 Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov / The Flight of the Bumblebee"
01 Fireworks - Fantasy for Orchestra
02 The Firebird - Introduction
03 The Firebird Tableau I - Enchanted Garden of Kastchei
04 The Firebird Tableau I - Appearance of the Firebird
05 The Firebird Tableau I - Dance of the Firebird
06 The Firebird Tableau I - Capture of the Firebird by Prince Ivan
07 The Firebird Tableau I - Supplication of the Firebird
08 The Firebird Tableau I - Appearance of the Enchanted Princess
09 The Firebird Tableau I - The Princesses' Game
10 The Firebird Tableau I - Sudden Appearance of Prince Ivan
11 The Firebird Tableau I - Khorovod (Round Dance) of the Princesses
12 The Firebird Tableau I - Daybreak
13 The Firebird Tableau I - Magic Carillon, Monster Guardians and Capture of Prince Ivan
14 The Firebird Tableau I - Arrival of Kastchei the Immortal
15 The Firebird Tableau I - Dialogue of Kastchei and Prince Ivan
16 The Firebird Tableau I - Intercession of the Princesses
17 The Firebird Tableau I - Appearance of the Firebird
18 The Firebird Tableau I - Dance of Kastchei's Retinue
19 The Firebird Tableau I - Infernal Dance of All Kastchei's Subjects
20 The Firebird Tableau I - Lullaby
21 The Firebird Tableau I - Kastchei's Awakening
22 The Firebird Tableau I - Kastchei's Death Profound Darkness
23 The Firebird Tableau II - Disappearance of Kastchei's Palace and Magical Creations,Reture to Life of the Petrified
Knights,General Rejoicing
24 Tango
25 Scherzo a la Russe
26 The Song of the Nightingale (Symphonic Poem) - Introduction
27 The Song of the Nightingale (Symphonic Poem) - Chinese March
28 The Song of the Nightingale (Symphonic Poem) - Song of the Nightingale
29 The Song of the Nightingale (Symphonic Poem) - The Mechanical Nightingale's Game
01 Sonata In A Major: 1. Adagio
02 Sonata In A Major: 2. Allegro
03 Sonata In E Minor: 1. Largo
04 Sonata In E Minor: 2. Allegro
05 Sonata In E Minor: 3. Largo
06 Sonata In E Minor: 4. Allegro
07 Sonata In D minor: 1. Preludio
08 Sonata In D minor: 2. Allemanda
09 Sonata In D minor: 3. Sarabanda
10 Sonata In D minor: 4. Giga
11 Sonata In D Major: 1. Allegro
12 Sonata In D Major: 2. Adagio
13 Sonata In D Major: 3. Minuetto
14 Sonata In E Major: 1. Grave
15 Sonata In E Major: 2. Allegro
16 Sonata In E Major: 3. Allegro (tempo di gavotta)
17 Sonata In E Major: 4. Largo
18 Sonata In E Major: 5. Allegro
19 Sonata In G Minor, BWV 1029: 1. Vivace
20 Sonata In G Minor, BWV 102